miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012


This week we have been working on growing our Mr. Grass Head.
Making this Science project has helped us learning about plants and their growing process. Now, we now all plants need water, air, soil and light to grow.

Let’s see how much they grow during the next week!

Regards, Miss Tati

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012


Last Thursday we celebrated Children’s Day in Divercity.
We had a blast going to a city built just for kids!
In this city we were firefighters, vets, supermodels, scientists and more.
We really enjoyed working in many places where we could earn “divis” which is a special kind of money. Here you can see some photos from that day!

Happy children’s day!

Miss Tati

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martes, 21 de agosto de 2012


Esta semana estamos aprendiendo el trazo y sonido de la consonante “S”.
Empezamos aprendiendo el trazo caminando por la consonante y cantando una canción, luego nos divertimos haciendo trazos.
 Fue muy emocionante verlos hacer sus trazos en los diferentes sectores del salón, estoy segura que poco a poco lo iremos haciendo mucho mejor. Aquí pueden ver algunas fotos de las actividades de esta clase.
Estoy muy orgullosa de ustedes mis raccoons.

 Miss Tati

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viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012


Este bimestre iniciamos nuestro plan lector con el libro “El Espejo de Chincha”, una leyenda que realmente nos ha cautivado.

Con ella, hemos podido aprender muchas palabras nuevas además de reforzar conocimientos sobre las regiones de nuestro país. Incluso hemos aprendido a utilizar un separador de libros para poder ubicar la hoja donde nos quedamos con mayor facilidad.

 Todos hemos disfrutado de la historia de Catuc, Qusi y su mágico espejo de Chincha. Definitivamente una manera divertida de iniciarnos en la lectura. Miss Tati

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012


Last Friday I got a wonderful surprise…a birthday party from my raccoons!
 I just want to say that each one of you made this day so special to me.
Thank you so much for all your smiles, for all your words, for all your love…

Lots of kisses and hugs

Miss Tati

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012


I’m really happy to have you back raccoons!
This first week was quite difficult at first because we had to get used to old schedules and routines, but once we remembered our Golden Rules and responsibilities inside the classroom everything was easier.
We are having fun singing, playing and working really hard too. I’m sure you are going to enjoy this term.

Let’s keep have fun together raccoons!

Miss Tati

viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012


Congratulations to our friends Nicolás, Ariana, Valeria, Sebastián and Franco who were our star students in June and July.
Let's keep working like them this third term, following our Golden Rules and trying our best each day!

Good luck!

  Miss Tati
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jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012


Dear raccoons,

Hope you had wonderful holidays with your families. This new period together will have a lot of amazing experiences and activities in which we will learn while playing, singing and dancing.
Can't wait to see you again...

With love,

Miss Tati