jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012


Last Friday we celebrated the "Students Christmas Celebration" at St. George's College.
All the kids from Early Years could enjoy a lovely Christmas Show, sharing great moments with all their friends, dancing and singing together.

After the show we had a great time in the classrooms sharing different snacks we brought to school.
It was a great time together!

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012


Get ready Raccoons! It's only a week away for our Christmas Show.

I know you all are so excited and eager to be on stage this wonderful day. We are rehearsing and singing in the classroom everyday so we can do a successful performance on December 18th.
The song we will sing and dance is "Jingle Bell Rock".

Here you can enjoy our song.

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012


Let's congratulate our friends Maria Fe, Piero, Gianpiero, Sebastián and Adrián for being our last star students of the year.

You were amazing this last term, I am sure you will keep working like this in first grade.

Congratulations raccoons!


martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012


Last Saturday we celebrated Sports Day at St. George's College.

Kids and parents from the four Houses Pegagus, Minotaur, Griffin and Phoenix, enjoyed this day playing different games and sharing great moments with their family.
Thank you very much for coming to this very special day!

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012


Esta semana hemos recibido una hermosa noticia en nuestro salón de Raccoons: "Nuestra compañera Arianne ya es una hermana mayor".

Sabemos que ser el hermano mayor no es fácil, son muchas las cosas que debemos aprender, compartir y también enseñar, sin embargo, sabemos que Arianne lo hará muy bien.

¡Felicitaciones Arianne! Serás una excelente hermana mayor.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012


Last Friday we received our friends from "Planetario Educativo" at St. George's College.

The "Planetario" is like a big balloon where you can get inside and see how the stars and planets look like in the space.
We also could learn a lot about the Sun, the Moon and other elements from the Solar System.

We had a great time enjoying together.

Miss Tati

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012


Congratulations to Camilo, Aurora, Micaela, Sebastián and Valeria for your great effort during these months, you worked really hard and tried your best during classes.
Keep working like this!

Remember that you can be a star student too. Keep up the good work.

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012


Este 31 de Octubre celebramos el "Día de la Canción Criolla" en nuestro colegio. Nuestro salón participó de esta linda celebración cantando la canción "Contigo Perú".
Desde muy temprano demostraron gran emoción por iniciar el show, todos vestidos de personajes característicos de nuestro país empezaron a desfilar hacia el patio Nro 2 donde se realizó la presentación. Luego de ver las presentaciones de sus compañeros subieron al escenario y demostraron su amor por nuestra música peruana. Luego tocó el turno de una riquísima lonchera compartida en el salón. Aquí pueden apreciar alguna fotos de este día.

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¡Felicitaciones raccoons lo hicieron lindo!

Miss Tati

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012


Let's congratulate our friends from kinder Raccoons for their amazing performance in the Spring Festival. All students had the opportunity to participate in the different categories such as poetry, spelling bee, chant and storytelling.
The winners who could represent our classroom in the finals on October 4th. were...

Almudena Torres (Poetry)
Eitan Balon, Ariana Galvez, Joaquín La Torre, Micaela Román and Valeria Ríos (Chant)
Aurora Navarrete (Storytelling)
Katja Petrovich (Spelling Bee)

Congratulations for your awesome job!

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012


After exciting holidays it is time to come back to classes. I am really excited to have you back and start our last term together.
This term will be full of fun activities and hard work. Remember first grade is just around the corner, so let's get down to it and do your best. Welcome back my raccoons!

 I am sure you'll do awesome work, best wishes.

Miss Tati

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012


Last week we received Domino's Pizza in St. George's College. We learnt how to make pizza and then we enjoyed the product of our work with our friends.

First we had to sprinkle some flour on the pizza dough and knead slightly until smooth.
Then we had to spread the pizza sauce all over the our piece of dough.
Finally we could top it with cheese and jam. After some minutes baking in a really big oven, we had our pizzas ready!

A fantastic day for us!

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viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012


Last Thursday we had the chance of visiting Intap Biotaller in Lurin. In this place we could learn a little more about animals and plants.

We learn about the habitats and diet of some farm animals. We were amazed of seeing, touching and feeding  horses, goats, sheeps, rabbits and ducklings. It was a wonderful feeling.

We also had a great time mixing the soil and decorating our pots for a new plant. We really learnt a lot in the Biotaller.

Here you can enjoy some photos from that day!
With love

Miss Tati

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viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012


Hey raccoons!

This Spring Festival will come with lots of surprises and one of them is the "Chant Contest". Do you know what a chant is? 

"A chant is a rhythmic group recitation."

So, you have to remember that it is not singing, it is reciting the words using a special rhythm. In this opportunity our class will participate with the chant "Do your ears hang low?".

In this video you can hear the song version in which you can learn the lyrics. Remember that in class we will select the top five students reciting the chant. Let's get ready for our chant contest!

Good luck raccoons!


This week we have learnt about home safety and hazardous object in Social Studies class.

Hazardous objects are all around our homes, and as curious children you need to know that not all objects you find are designed for kids. Some of the objects we have talked about are:


Cleaning products

We also watched a very funny educative video called "Every Dog's Guide to complete Home Safety". We laughed a lot watching it. but the most important thing is that we enjoyed at the same time we learnt about hazardous objects. Then, we could talk about our own experiences.

Here you can watch it again and talk about home safety with your parents. Enjoy!

Miss Tati

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012


Dear raccoons,

In a few weeks we will participate in St. George's Spring Festival and one of the most popular contests is the Spelling Bee. All kinder level will participate spelling the phonetic sounds of different words.

Here you can see the list of words for the contest, don't forget to practice at home, you can be one of our top 5 spellers. Goord luck my raccoons.

Miss Tati

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012


This week we had so much fun collecting money for the CAS group which is a student association that helps people in need. In this opportunity we had three special days.

 On Wednesday we had Superhero's Day! In this day we dressed up as our favourite superhero. At raccoons' class we came across with Wonder Woman, Ironman, Catwoman, Batman, Spiderman and even a Japanese Ninja. Everyone enjoyed a lot this day!

 On Thursday we were Famous People! Some of the wonderful customs in our classroom were the ones of Neil Amstrong, St. George, Gene Simmons, Woody, Hanna Montana, etc.

Last but not least, on Friday, we had our Pijama's Day. We had the great experience of making a mini campsite in the playground. Everyone was so excited to see their friends in their favourite pijama. So cute!

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012


This term we are working really hard in Maths.

We are learning how to differenciate groups of items using the symbols < , > and = .
A very funny way to learn this is by using our pacman friends who have mouths just like the symbols we need to use. At home you can also use other characters like crocodiles or birds. It is very easy, take a look...

The crocodile eats the group that has more apples.

Now, let's see how well we are working...

Great job raccoons, keep up the good work!!

 Miss Tati

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012


¡Todos estamos muy emocionados! Estas semanas estamos trabajando con sílabas y con ello algunos ya están formando sus primeras palabras. Como jugando estamos descubriendo el mágico mundo de las letras, y nos encanta.

Este bimestre hemos aprendido dos nuevas letras, la "s" y la "t" con las cuales ya podemos formar palabras como "mesa", "pato", "pomo", "tapa".

¡Qué divertido es todo esto! Aquí comparto con ustedes algunas fotos de nuestras clases de Español.
Los quiero mucho

Miss Tati

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jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012


This week we could see how much our Mr. Grass Heads grew.

After we made them, we took care of them by letting the light come into the classroom and by watering them. After a week we found out something amazing!
This is great!!!! some of you said.
Oh! My God! said others.
And of course, this was a really wonderful surprise. They were all green, and really funny too. They really did grow! What a great experience!

Good work raccoons!
Miss Tati

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lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012


Congratulations Patrick and Eitan!

You have been awarded with the title of Star Student in August. All your teachers and friends are very proud of you because of your effort and behaviour in the different classes and activities.

Keep on working really hard and maybe you can be our next Star Student! 

Miss Tati.

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012


This week we have been working on growing our Mr. Grass Head.
Making this Science project has helped us learning about plants and their growing process. Now, we now all plants need water, air, soil and light to grow.

Let’s see how much they grow during the next week!

Regards, Miss Tati

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012


Last Thursday we celebrated Children’s Day in Divercity.
We had a blast going to a city built just for kids!
In this city we were firefighters, vets, supermodels, scientists and more.
We really enjoyed working in many places where we could earn “divis” which is a special kind of money. Here you can see some photos from that day!

Happy children’s day!

Miss Tati

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